Summer Sightings at The Guild Shop

Excursions to Find Consignment of Unique Pieces
Customers often come into the Guild Shop to look for pieces for their second homes—rustic cabins in the mountains of Colorado, beach homes in Seaside or Galveston, and ranch homes in the Texas Hill Country. The furniture and art departments at the Guild Shop have pieces for every home.
Earlier I wrote a blog about Suzy selling seashells and all the pink things she could sell. I like the photo above as I think it brings a bit more of the masculine side of décor into the house. I look at the whale print and think of Moby Dick or Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The armillary (another new word to my vocabulary) sphere is the interlocking circles that mimic a celestial model used in ancient times. The boats are made of bone and metal, both giving a different look to a decorator’s vision.
Looking for something unique? No expectations, but often a reward!
Often people, including me, go into a resale shop without any expectations of finding something specific. Yet they leave with an impulse buy that they love more than they expected. Is that because it caught their eye? Or because they weren’t looking for something specific, they took more time to enjoy the process of meandering through and wondering about the background and journey of the pieces around them.
Perhaps shoppers didn’t come in looking for a boat made of bone, but when they see how delicately it was put together and the details of someone else’s hard work, the appreciation for the artisan is even grander. When we go into a resale shop, we are surrounding by pieces that have been handed over for so many reasons. But they are in the shop to be woven, rediscovered, reappreciated and redecorated into another scene, another vignette, another story.
May you find your treasure,